Over the weekend, I went to Nagpur.I have some really fond memories of the place, because it was here that I had met some very sweet and kind people.My married life had also started here. I found the town really changed and was face to face with extreme poverty. Beside the Yashwant stadium, there was this group of people-probably vagabonds -that was living their life on the roadside. I saw my country in its harsh reality, with the future staring at me through the snot covered faces of malnourished pot- bellied children. How can the government allow this to happen?Is it not possible to come out with a social security scheme ,through which everybody is given a house, and a basic sustenance allowance.I felt really helpless at my inability to affect the lives of such poor people in an effective manner.
Why can't the government be more efficient? Why can't it direct the subsidies to those who need them, rather than to everybody? Is it such a difficult task? I see no reason for many, including yours truly ,to be enjoying the subsidy on petrol and LPG? Why...?There are only questions today in my mind.Small doles of help are not going to be of much use. You need a policy intervention.Poverty is a curse, which I hope the new govt works on!
Dear Sir, nice to see you here. As usual short of time now. Wish you had met me in Nagpur. Will catch up. RSCHOW