Great minds discuss ideas,Mediocre minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Learning from the little ones

We went to a bakery yesterday evening in Lucknow. My daughter aged 10 was quietly enjoying the sandwiches, while I like a doting papa was just watching her.She saw a complaint/suggestion box nearby, and asked me,"Papa, Would you like to suggest something to improve the service here."Promptly, I answered in the negative.My daughter looked at me and had this to say."You are a managenment student, papa, and you should or rather must think of something."I was just left speechless , and thought to myself that we all must think about improving things wherever we go and also put it in writing. Children can teach so much to us ,and also shake us out of our stupor.


  1. My dear Rajesh,

    My apologies for not posting on your blog earlier despite several requests from your end. I am quite impressed with the contents and even tempted to start a blog of my own. Well, I feel that you are absolutely right. We teach and learn from our children all the time. They teach us the value of simplicity and patience. They teach us how simple gestures like smiles and hugs can make a difference. They teach us how to look at things from others' point of view - when seemingly childish occurences hold earth shaking consequences from their point of view.And like you aptly brought out -- elders must practice what they preach. We are good at the latter but very selective in the former .... maybe because we are adults and they after all are children. We are entitled to PRIVILIGES and hence hold a license as elders to bend or not follow what we drill in to them as gospel truth or moral values. But then... I appear to be gradually drifting from the message that you have aptly brought out in your post.It's good stuff.


  2. I am enclosing a link that you might find interesting at least and perhaps useful at best. I was rummaging through old letters and found one from my father. The universal appeal of the letter motivated me to post it on the net so that as I fondly hope, he continues to live on even after he is long gone....


  3. That was an amazing letter.As advised, I am going to keep it and read and re-read.You for sure were truly blessed to have such a man as your father. God bless his soul.
